Welcome to The Printed Maps of Devon

In 1996 Francis Bennett and myself published our first book on the maps of Devon and listed all known maps printed
between 1575 and 1837 showing the whole of the county of Devon on either one or two sheets. Although this omitted Ordnance Survey sheets and those atlases designed on a sheet basis, this meant that we were still able to list 117 different maps along with their sources and provide information on the people behind them.

This site is the internet version of the revised Second Edition of The Printed Maps of Devon.

Since the original work was published (now out of print) more maps have come to light and new information discovered so that the present work includes a total of 119 different maps incorporating over 300 states (i.e. including variations) and references nearly 1200 sources of atlases and maps. These are all included here in this site. Furthermore, as the authors are no longer restricted to the A4 format, we have been able to include extra information on many of these issues.

Interested users of this site are invited to contribute new information and new states or even new maps. Moreover, in the course of our researches we may have omitted something, overlooked a source or falsely interpreted our notes. We apologise for any errors and welcome correspondence and corrections from fellow enthusiasts and collectors.

Please note that the sequel to Printed Maps is now available on-line. The Victorian Maps of Devon in an up-to-date revised second state can now be accessed by clicking this link.

Kit Batten

Newly Revised and made more user-friendly!


I have added links between pages and made several corrections and updated some information! Especially the smaller series of Robert Morden - see info below!!

Contact KitTheMap@aol.com if you wish to contact me directly!


I would really enjoy hearing from other collectors.

2023: The smaller maps published by Robert Morden from 1701

Recently Updated

I have totally rewritten my entry for Robert Morden (22) to include the wide variety of copies of the county extracted from Magna Britannia et Hibernia first issued from 1715. Many collectors have the section covering Devonshire but cannot be sure if they were extracted from a "cut up" bound copy. Most were, in fact, sold as county histories under a variety of titles, or even without title page. The history of these copies is looked at more closely in my blog article.

A Compleat History of Devonshire appeared circa 1730. Other titles were publshed later until circa 1800. Copies with no title page are possibly slightly earlier. Click here for direct access.

2023: John Bartholomew's Half-Inch map series from 1895

Recently Updated

I donated my collection of John Bartholomew Half-Inch maps to the Devon Heritage Centre in Exeter. This was a popular series of maps and was probably printed in millions of copies as it covered the complete country and was constantly being updated. My blog attempts to give a broad outline of the sorts of things to look for if you have an example and are trying to date it.

Find out more at Bartholomew's Half-Inch maps.




The Eyre Brothers - London publishers with an interest in the westcountry

The Eyre Brothers were London publishers who flourished for a brief period in the last quarter of the 19th century with premises first (from 1877) at 10, later from 26 & 27, Paternoster Square, Paternoster Row (until c.1889). Their output was limited to a number of trade and town directories and a few guides to the hotels and typical watering places of England and Wales. 

This is the fascinating story of one man - George Pallant Butcher - and his career as a business entrepreneur, first publishing town directories with two others before starting up as the Eyre Brothers. He was the name behind Eyre´s Post Office Directory of Plymouth, issued from 1880 to 1904.

After 1891 he moved to south Devon and lived in South Brent until his death.


The Eyre Brothers Click for access!

Two works with maps originally published as serial works from 1829

Jennings vs. Fisher

Both Thomas Moore with his publisher Jennings and Henry Fisher began a serial publication which included illustrated plates and maps in 1829. While Fisher's work was completed in 1832 (see entry 102), Moore's book would not be complete until 1836 (see entry 115).

I recently acquired two bundles of papers: one is another set of Fisher´s Devonshire and Cornwall Illustrated (I now have the only two recorded sets); the other is an almost complete set of the quarto set of Jennings´ History of Devonshire (the only set known with 50 numbers or Parts). This wil be updated in the next weeks.


John Cooke- publisher and engraver of Plymouth

NEW UPDATE: I have recently put the finishing touches to my Third Edition of this book and will be posting it shortly. Complete with more images of non-cartographic work by Cooke.

John Cooke

Rhine strip maps - Leporellos

And now for somthing completely different ...

For those interested in unusual maps, the Rhine leporellos are long folding-out maps. For a long time I had an interesting collection of these and catalogued all the various pre-1900 examples I found. You can find these at 

Rhine Panoramas



BlogSpot Articles - Devon Interest


Maintaining a website like this one involves not only time (especially at the beginning) but also money (annual site charges). However, a blog, though less versatile, is free. Therefore I have decided to add articles I have written to the public domain via my blog.

So far, my blogspot has the following cartographic topics

County Maps of Devon - an attempt to list as many printed maps of Devon as I can (pre-1900),

The Printed Maps of Exeter - an updated version of our 2010 book,

an article on Jennings vs. Fisher (two publishing rivals of 1829),

the work of John Cooke, engraver and publisher in Devonport,

an overview of the Half-Inch maps by John Bartholomew 1895-1901,

 an article on The Development of the Railways (in Devon) as a guide to dating Victorian maps

an article on the Eyre Brothers who published a number of works with Devon interest,

Tobias Mayer´s Year - an article I wrote for IMCoS

and a catalogue and description of Rhine Leporello Foldout Maps.

Check out:

Kit's Blog Home Page  for a full list including my latest research


Website - Maps for Sale

In addition to the websites mentioned above, I also have a site where a number of my maps and guides are listed. If you are interested in purchasing maps, guides, books of reference etc which you see listed in Printed Maps or in Victorian Maps as being in my collection, do not hesitate to contact me. many of them are listed here at Maps for Sale.


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