As is usual with county bibliographies, the authors used a wide number of sources for materials. The most useful county volumes (at the time this cartobibliography was first compiled) were the county works by Burden (Berks), Carroll (Lincs), Frostick (Norfolk), Hodson (Herts) and Kingsley (Sussex). By far the most comprehensive studies on county atlases, however, were those carried out first by Skelton and carried on by Hodson. In compiling the notes on map-makers, the authors have relied heavily on these materials. We hereby offer our thanks to the work of others.
Following the publication details of each individual map or atlas, references have been included before the location of the works in question. The first in bold print identifies written reference materials from one of the following six sources:
Roman numerals |
Thomas Chubb |
The Printed Maps in the Atlases of Great Britain and Ireland 1579-1870 |
London |
W Dawson |
1977 |
S |
R A Skelton |
County Atlases of the British Isles 1575-1701 |
London |
Carta Press |
1970 |
H |
Donald Hodson |
County Atlases of the British Isles; Vol 1 & Vol 2 |
Bracken Press |
1984 & 1989 |
Jolly |
David Jolly |
Maps in British Periodicals |
Brookline |
Jolly |
1990 & 1991 |
KM |
C Koeman |
Atlantes Neerlandici |
Amsterdam |
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum |
1967 |
M&K |
Mann & Kingsley |
Playing Cards; in Vol. 87 of Map Collector's Circle |
London |
Map Collector's Circle |
1972 |
A number written in bold within a bracket, e.g. (27), denotes more information can be found on the page of text to map 27. Map numbers above 117 indicate that the map being referred to is included in The Victorian Maps of Devon, which is also available on-line.
Information added in normal type refers to the location of materials mentioned. Brackets denote loose materials (i.e. incomplete and probably taken from an atlas or book) and square brackets indicates the source material has not been inspected by the authors but is referred to in other sources. The libraries, institutions or collections quoted are:
AA* |
Items formerly in the collection of Dr Adrian Almond |
Adm. |
Admiralty Library, London. |
AY |
Items in the collection of Mr Alan Yates |
B |
Bodleian Library (includes the Allen collection), Oxford. |
Birmingham Central Library. |
BL |
British Library (and British Museum), London. |
BRdB |
Bibliothéque Royale de Belgique, Brussels, Belgium. |
BvF |
Provinciale Bibliotheek van Friesland, Leeuwarden, Netherlands. |
C |
Cambridge University Library. |
Cardiff |
Cardiff Central Library. |
CB |
Collection formerly of Clive Burden and now of Philip Burden. |
Devon and Exeter Institute, Exeter. |
E** |
Items formerly held at the Westcountry Studies Library, Castle Street, Exeter. See below. |
EB* |
Items formerly in the collection of Eugene Burden. |
FB* |
Collection of Francis Bennett. |
Field |
Collection of Albert Field. |
Gard. |
Gardner Collection. |
GL |
Guildhall Library, London. |
Gloucs |
Gloucester Reference Library |
KB# |
Collection of Kit Batten. |
Haarlem |
Haarlem Library, Haarlem, Netherlands. |
Hunt. |
Huntingdon Library. |
Institute of Historical Research |
Leeds |
Leeds Library. |
Leyden |
University of Leyden Library, Leyden, Netherlands. |
Lib. Cong. |
Library of Congress. |
LS |
Landesbibliothek Stuttgart, Germany. |
London University Library. |
Manchester City Library. |
North Devon Library, Barnstaple. |
Naval Historical Library, London. |
National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh. |
National Library of Wales, Cardiff. |
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. |
New York City Public Library. |
MW |
Collection of Malcolm Woodward. |
P |
Private collection. |
Ply |
Plymouth Public Library. |
Radcliffe |
Radcliffe Camera, Oxford. |
Royal Geographical Society. |
Reading Reference Library. |
TB* |
Items formerly in the collection of Tony Burgess. |
Trinity College Dublin |
TQ |
Torquay Museum. |
UE |
University of Exeter |
University Library London |
W |
Whitaker Collection, University of Leeds. |
WM |
Wisbech and Fenland Museum. |
In addition, reference is often made to COPAC. This on-line service is a search engine for books bringing together the catalogues of some 70 British and Irish libraries including most of the major institutions. It is registered and based at the University of Manchester. It has now been superceded by JISC Discover.
# If you are interested in acquiring any of my collection, please contact me.
* Since the publishing of this list Dr Adrian Almond, Mr Eugene Burden, Mr Tony Burgess and Mr Tim Nicholson have since died. Their collections have since been sold. My co-author, colleague and dear friend Francis Bennett has also died.
We would be grateful for updates on the current locations of works mentioned in this cartobibliography.
** The Westcountry Studies Library in Exeter has been closed, see below.
*The Westcountry Studies Library has closed
Devon Heritage Services
A New Future for Devon's Heritage
Latest update (November 2013) from website

What is happening? The collections of both the Westcountry Studies Library, which were previously all housed in the Castle Street section of Exeter Central Library, have been amalgamated with the Devon Record Office archive collections to form a fully integrated Devon Heritage Centre. This is located at the former Devon Record Office premises at Great Moor House, Sowton Business Park, Exeter. The contents of the former Westcountry Studies Library reading room at Castle Street have already moved to Great Moor House. The local studies material remaining in the stack at Castle Street is gradually being moved to Great Moor House as well. Related collections, notably the historic registers of the Devon Registration Service should be transferred to Devon Heritage Centre in 2014. Selected archaeological records may also be transferred to the new Heritage Centre in the future.

When is it happening? The transfer of the former Westcountry Studies Library collection is a two stage process, and started with the stock from the main Reading Room area, which moved across to Great Moor House on 2 October 2012. This allowed the vacated space to be used as a temporary library facility whilst Exeter Central Library is undergoing major redevelopment. More local studies material has since been moved to Devon Heritage Centre, and further stock will be coming here in small batches during autumn 2013 in advance of the final move. The remaining local studies stock should all be transferred to the Heritage Centre by late Spring 2014.
What about access during these changes? Since September 2012 the local studies material remaining at Castle Street has been held in a closed stack. However, Local Studies staff are no longer available for consultation at the Castle Street premises. Items which are still currently held at Castle Street can be reserved and viewed at the Devon Heritage Centre during the usual searchroom opening hours of Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm on the condition that two working days’ notice is given. Items must be requested by reservation and have to be brought from Castle Street by staff members to be viewed at the Devon Heritage Centre. Please note that the local studies items are for reference use only and may not be borrowed.
How do I request these items? Stack items identified from the former Westcountry Studies Library local studies catalogue can be requested by email ( or if you do not have email access, you may send a letter or telephone the Devon Heritage Centre on 01392 384253 between Tuesday and Friday, 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 pm. and 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. Please contact us if you are unsure whether the material you wish to see has been transferred yet.
Customers will be notified by telephone or email as soon as possible when the stack items they have ordered have arrived and have become available at Devon Heritage Centre.

What about access at the Heritage Centre? The local studies library material and the Devon and Cornwall Record Society collection from the former reading room at Castle Street is accessible on open shelves in the Devon Heritage Centre searchroom at Great Moor House, Sowton Business Park, Exeter. Microfilms and fiche of newspapers and other filmed sources formerly held in the Castle Street reading room are also now available at the heritage centre. Our Heritage Services Assistants are on hand to advise on the location of material and facilitate access. Please note that all new visitors to the Devon Heritage Centre are required to complete a registration form and provide proof of identity/address (renewable annually) prior to admission.
Any comments concerning ease of access to map materials and helpfulness of staff would be appreciated.